Our Certified Courses
We offer various Certificate courses in Ayurveda
“Explore the wisdom of the ancient science of life.”
,Courses offered at MAAWC
Since Ayurveda is our passion, we have attempted to keep this ancient method alive by training the upcoming generation through our workshops and intensive courses. Ambitious candidates can opt for certification courses as well in different streams.
The certification course on Ayurveda is open to all graduates belonging to any stream. However, it is more suitable for those who are fascinated by Ayurveda and interested to unfurl the underlying concepts of Ayurveda. It can be of great benefit for professional massage therapists, naturopaths, chiropractors, nutritionists, or anyone who is dedicated to improving health.
The certification is based on classroom performance, discipline, and theory and practical examinations. A certificate will be issued only if the teachers are satisfied with the performance. On certification, students can provide counseling on topics such as ahara, vihara, dinacharya, rutucharya, use of common herbs, and home remedies for simple ailments. Interested students can also become professional Ayurvedic masseurs.
Course Fees:-
- Basic Principles of Ayurveda and Home Remedies – 9,000 INR
- Ayurvedic Nutrition and Cooking – 13,500 INR
- Ayurvedic Diet and Life Style – 18,000 INR
- Marma Abhyanga / Ayurvedic Marma Massage – 26000 INR
- Ayurvedic Herbology – 35,000 INR
Basic Principles of Ayurveda and Home Remedies – 10 Hours

In this section, we introduce students to the basic concepts of Ayurveda and how one can restore health and prevent disease. This program focuses on the topics such as Panchamahabhuta theory, Tridosha theory, Trigunas, the relation of health with Panchamahabhuta and Tridosha, the concept of dhatus and malas, balanced and imbalanced state of doshas, Prakruti or individual constitution, VPK test to identify your body and mind type, Daily routine, Seasonal routine and other practices and principles that maximize well-being. This program also introduces home remedies for common ailments.
Topics Covered
- History, roots, and evolution of Ayurveda as a healing science
- Panchamahabhuta theory
- Ayurvedic Tridoshic theory
- Trigunas
- Concept of Prakrit
- Analysis of individual Prakriti
- Understanding the concept of vikriti
- Analyzing the signs and symptoms of the imbalanced state of each dosha
- The three pillars of health – Food, Sleep, and Intimacy
- Ayurvedic perspective of food and nutrition
- Recommendations to promote sound sleep and balanced intimate life
- Dinacharya/Daily routines to support health, balance, and vitality
- Rutucharya/Seasonal recommendations and practices to harmonize your entire year
- Ayurvedic home remedies for common ailments
Ayurvedic Nutrition And Cooking – 15 Hours

The Ayurvedic cooking course helps the learners to use food as medicine creating balance and healing for an individual constitution, to nourish oneself with the six tastes of Ayurvedic nutrition, and to prevent toxins from undigested foods – the most threatening opponent to good health, with a demo of simple, tasty, and tridosha balancing recipes.
Topics Covered
- Introduction to Ayurvedic food & Nutrition
- Panchamahabhuta theory and Tridosha theory
- Trigunas and its relation with food
- Concept of Prakruti and Prakruti analysis
- Concept of Vikruti and Vikruti analysis/Determining the imbalanced state of doshas
- Biological Fire(Agni)
- The states of Agni and its relation with doshas
- Metabolic error (Ama)
- Concept of Rasa, Guna, Virya, and Vipaka
- Concept of balanced food
- Balanced diet principles
- Diet for Vata, Pitta & Kapha – imbalances
- Bio-energetics of common kitchen herbs
- Medicinal values of common kitchen herbs
- Incompatible food combinations/Viruddha Ahara
- Live demo of cooking tridosha balancing recipes
Marma Abhyanga / Ayurvedic Marma Massage Course – 20 hours

Abhyanga is the most natural and powerful method of relaxing the body. In the Abhyanga course, the students will learn the ancient technique of massage as mentioned in the classics of Ayurveda.
Abhyanga course is outlined in four modules:
Module I
Introduction to Ayurveda
- Objective of Ayurveda
- Panchamahabhuta theory
- Tridosha theory
- The functional outlook of tridoshas
- Concept of Prakriti
- Importance of knowing Prakriti
- Types of Prakriti
- VPK test to identify the body type
Module II
- Abhyanga – Ayurvedic massage
- Classification of Abhyanga
- Importance of Abhyanga
- Indications of Abhyanga
- Contraindications of Abhyanga
Module III
- Concept of marma
- Composition of marma
- Why marmas are so vital?
- Classification and distribution of marma points
- Techniques used for marma stimulation
- The mode of action of marma massage
- The benefits of marma massage
- Marma and acupressure points
- Marmas and chakra
- Location of 107 marma points and the effect of abhyanga on them.
Module IV
- Practical guidance for abhyanga
- The four rules to be followed by the therapists to obtain better results
- Prerequisites to perform abhyanga
- Type of oils recommended based on your body type
- Temperature of oil
- Quantity of oil to be taken
- Time of abhyanga
- Duration of abhyanga
- Abhyanga table
- Abhyanga room
- Pre measures
- Seven positions for abhyanga
- Abhyanga technique
- Amount of pressure
- Head massage
- Neck massage
- Shoulder massage
- Facial massage
- Chest massage
- Abdomen massage
- Hand massage
- Leg massage
- Abhyanga in different positions
- Mode of action of Abhyanga
- Post-Abhyanga measures
Ayurvedic Herbology

Herbology or Dravyaguna is a comprehensive discipline, which embraces various aspects of knowledge about the identification, classification of drugs; their physical and chemical properties; biotransformation and metabolic activities; their uses, dosage and therapeutic actions; their compatibility, synergism, and vehicle; their incompatibility and toxicity and their different pharmaceutical processing and preparations. Here, students learn more than 80 potent medicinal herbs based on the principles of dravyaguna.
Topics Covered
Module I
- History of Ayurveda
- Indian Philosophy
- Basic Principles of Ayurveda
- Concept of Tridosha
- Concept of Trigunas
- Prakruti (Body type)
- Dhatu (Tissues)
- Mala or Waste products
- Ojas
- Digestion and Metabolism
- Srotas
- Agni (digestive fire)
- Ama (toxins)
Module II
1. Basic Principles of Ayurveda Herbology
- Rasa (Tastes)
- Guna (Properties)
- Veerya (Potency)
- Vipaka (Post digestive effect)
2. Introduction to 80 most used Ayurveda herbs
- Sanskrit Name, Latin name, synonyms, attributes, taste, potency
- Post digestive effects, action on doshas, and tissues
- Internal uses, external uses, chemical compositions
- Research material & commercial medicinal preparations
Module III
Ayurvedic Pharmacy (Pancha Vidha Kashya Kalpana- 5 basic fundamentals of medicine preparations)

- Ayurvedic Relaxing Rituals
- Ayurvedic Detox Rituals
- Ayurvedic Healing Rituals
- Ayurvedic Eye Care
- Refreshing Rituals
- Stress Management
- Rejuvenation Rituals
- Ayurvedic Beauty Treatments
- Nail Care
- Hair Care
- Wellness Counselling
- Classical Ayurveda Treatments
- Panchakarma Treatments
- Rejuvenation Treatments
- Ayurvedic Beauty Treatments
- Refreshing Treatments
- Basic Principles of Ayurveda & Home Remedies
- Ayurvedic Nutrition & Cooking
- Marma Therapy Course
- Ayurveda/Abhyanga Massage Course
- Ayurvedic Beauty Care
- Ayurvedic Herbology
135, 9th Cross, Gokulam 3rd Stage, Near Doctors Corner, Mysore - 570002.